Friday, September 01, 2006


...for the complete lack of updates. I am a lazy bastid and I know it.

To be honest things have been pretty hectic recently as I am moving house, getting shit at work and just skating too damn much (Is that possible? Me legs seem to think it is....)

I do have a stack of pictures to go up from Blockless Combat to Joxas recent visit to Bristol so please just bare with me and I'll sort something out as soon as I can.

But for now, have this pic of the JazzCat at Chepstow flippin right out..


Anonymous said...

Nice shadow puppet to bunny rabbit with Jazzmans left hand there - stylish.

Anonymous said...

Thats a Wolf, not a bunny rabbit

Bawb said...

Youse is both wrong - it's a jazz cat innit.

Anonymous said...

not as good as that weston kiddie's jazzcagt pic.